3 Simple Strategies to Help You Work Well With Others (Even if You Don’t Like Them)

Article Link: https://www.inc.com/the-muse/how-to-improve-your-work-relationships-strategies-to-work-well-with-people.html By: Jaclyn Westlake   Fact: Working with other people is hard. Even when you like them. And over the years, I’ve tried different strategies to improve relationships (or, at the very least, prevent myself from freaking out in people’s faces). But then, last year, I started going to therapy to deal with a situation outside the office. […]

Six Ways to Start the Year Off Right

By: Connie Certusi Article Link: https://www.allbusiness.com/six-ways-to-start-the-year-off-right-103151-1.html     A new year inspires renewed energy and excitement for what could happen. It’s a fresh start and the perfect time to reflect on the past and plan for the future–to set goals and figure out how to meet them. We may already be a couple of weeks into January, but it’s not […]

Why Your Brain Needs Exercise

  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-your-brain-needs-exercise/   By: David A. Raichlen & Gene E. Alexander   In the 1990s researchers announced a series of discoveries that would upend a bedrock tenet of neuroscience. For decades the mature brain was understood to be incapable of growing new neurons. Once an individual reached adulthood, the thinking went, the brain began losing neurons rather than gaining them. […]

10 ways to… Prioritise your workload

Article Link: https://www.icaew.com/archive/library/small-business-update/10-ways-to-prioritise-your-workload   The to-do list. Don’t keep it on different post-it notes or in your head — at the beginning of each day or week, write on a sheet of paper what you want to get done and by when. Rank tasks according to importance or urgency to plan your day and focus your mind. Review your workload […]